Hi everyone, my name is Hamman Gabdo from OTM department in Federal Poltechnic, Bali today we are going to profoundly examine the importance of appropriate dressing to a secretary in an organization.
The dress code has built in rules or signals indicating the message being given by a person's clothing and how it is worn. This message may include indications of the person's gender, income, occupation and social class,, ethnic and religious affiliation, culture etc.
As a secretary your dressings convey the genuine or authenticity of your organization. Your appropriate dressing sends a signal to your target customers how goodly your organization is. Dressing badly causes nothing but a biggest catastrophic effect to your organization which leading to loss of customers.
Importance of appropriate dressing to a secretary in an organization
1.     Increase Respect
2.     Boost in confidence
3.     Improve credibility and trust
Increased Respect
Holvard Danaham quoted that “fool and dump cannot dress like wise in hood”
If you dress well, your colleagues are more likely to treat you like one. People have a greater level of respect for people who respect themselves and your attire is a reflection of that. Dress like you deserve respect and people will give it to
Boost in Confidence you.
For secretaries who are a little unsure of themselves, dressing professionally can make a big impact on your confidence and the image you convey to your colleagues. Let me ask you a question, how do you fell when you take bath dress well and come to school aren’t you feeling dandy? Likewise me I dress well for this presentation in order to feel confident and talks like this. If you dress you will be more comfortable in your position.
Improved Credibility and Trust
People are more likely to trust and believe someone who looks trustworthy and believable and both these things hinge on what you wear. Another question, can you invest in an organization whereby all the workers wore crazy jeans with ass down and coiled hear? Capital N.O. We put stock in what we see. Dress likes someone who belongs next to an executive and people will believe that you do.

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