Indirect Rule System
Indirect rule system is the British system of ruling her colony with the use of local chief and order appointment of intermediaries of traditional laws and custom with British officials merely supervising the administration.
According to Lord Lugard he describes the system of administration as a child of necessity.

The Rule Of Law
The rule of law can be defined as the absolute supremacy and predominant of law over everybody both the ruler and the rules in any decision making in a country.
Defrencies Between Indirect Rule And The Rule Of Law
Indirect rule it’s appointed by the local chief and queen.
Rule of law absolute power and supremacy of the law of the land.

Factors That Unite The Various Ibo Community In The Precolonial Adminisration

  1. Marriage 
  2. Simple form of government 
  3. Ofo title 
  4. Age grade 
  5. The same cultural pattern
  6. Business 
  7. Ozo title
  8. Religion 
  9. Council of elders 

The Deferences Between Hausa/Fulani And Ibo Precolonial Adms
1. In Hausa Fulani pre-colonial administration is centralize while 
Ibo is not centralized

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