What is Advisory Service

What is Advisory Service?

An advisory service activity is a service that provides Fadama users with advice on the how, when, when and why of an agro-technology with its associated input and markets. It is designed to guide and persuade farmers to adopt more productive and profitable practices in their income generating activities using educational means. It is a document is designed to guide all those (persons and agencies) involved in the implementation of the advisory services and input support component of Fadama III

The operational manual has been designed to guide:

  • NFCO and SFCO during project implementation; Service providers, facilitators and participating local governments to undertake project related to advisory services and input support activities at the level of Fadama Community Associations (FCAs)
  • Project beneficiaries, on implementation procedures of advisory services and input support component.
  • Strategies to stimulate demand for advisory services from communities: Sensitize members of the communities on the importance of advisory services facilities in their income generating activities (IGA);  Sensitize and build capacity of FUG/FCA on identifying advisory services needs; Proper training of facilitators as the real change agents to bring the knowledge of the diversified advisory services to the doorsteps of Fadama communities;
  • Enhancement of available capacity for delivering advisory services close to the communities;
  • Expose beneficiaries to learning events such as interactive session and exploratory visits
  • Request for advisory service activities must accompany any request for input and assert acquisition
  • Ensuring that well qualified and professional service providers and facilitators are recruited for the job.
Strategies for effective Implementation of the Input Support Sub-Component

  • Input will be requested as a package based on technical recommendation. (for example a request for an improved variety of maize must be accompanied by the request for other inputs that form the package for the improved variety of maize such as fertilizer, herbicide. Also the maize variety must be that approved for the agro-ecological zone or area
  • FCA &FUG must have a final say in selecting the dealer that provides the input
  • Creating an enabling environment for private sector involvement and investment in agric-input marketing
  • Enforcement of quality control regulations to protect farmers
  • Provision of market information and intelligence on inputs
  • The use of the voucher system in paying for input support


Federal-Level Implementation

Responsibilities of the NFCO in Advisory Services and Input Support (ASIS) are as follows:

  1. Ensure strict adherence to the provision of the operational manual and guideline;
  2. Provide resource for updating operating manuals and guidelines;
  3. Sub-contract implementation of ASIS activity to participating public agencies, NGOs, and consultants;
  4. Establish and maintain the national Advisory Services and Input Providers (ASIP) Data Bank and make the database easily accessible to SFCOs, LFDs and FCAs in an appropriate form such as internet, CD, print version, possibly by contracting this exercise to an appropriate agency;
  5. Taking the lead in preparing and organizing the semi-annual coordination meetings with all TAOs across states;
  6. De-register and remove from the data base non-performing service providers (providing unsatisfactory services more than once)

State-Level Component Implementation

Responsibilities of the State Fadama Coordinating Office (SFCO) in ASIS

  • Promote broad dissemination of the ASIS Project and its components, directly and/or in partnership with the facilitators, in all participating Local Governments;
  • Process approved advisory services request and transfer resources in tranches to FCAs;
  • Process approved input support request, issue voucher and transfer matching grant to banks/money changer; and
  • Identify advisory services and input service providers

Local-Level Component Implementation Responsibilities of the LFD in ASIS

  • Screening of the ASIS in the LDPs to ensure that they conform to the checklist of criteria specified in the PIM;
  • Ensuring that FCA ASIS priorities are reflected in the LDPs; and
  • Help coordinate technical assistance from relevant ministries to support the advisory services and input component of the Project;
  • Responsibilities of Fadama Community Associations in ASIS
  • Identify, through a consensus-building process, priority ASIS for the members they represent;
  • Advertise and receive from service providers subproject proposals that deal with members' ASIS priority concerns;
  • Sign any necessary agreements with the Project and with advisory service and input providers; and
  • Manage the implementation of the advisory services and input support, including choosing the service providers and contracting them to provide the services, using the financial resources made available through the Project.

Responsibilities of Fadama User Groups in ASIS are as follows:

  •  Identify, through a consensus-building process, priority ASIS for the members they represent;
  • Elaborate advisory services activities (ASAs) and input support to address the enterprise constraints and opportunities prioritized in the LDP process; and 
  • Carry out approved and agreed activities, with the member's commitment to make contributions towards the financing of such activities;

Level of Advisory Service Activities (ASAs)
Four levels of ASAs are envisaged:

  1. ASAs that user groups in any FCA may demand in relation to their ongoing or new enterprises;
  2. ASAs that may be demanded by user groups to address common constraints that cut across several FCAs or even local government areas (L.G.As);
  3. Advisory service interventions that are beyond the scope of this project. (sister projects or programme will be approached for collaboration; and
  4. ASAs to fill gaps in the operation of service providers (knowledge and input)

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